Access Time, controlling Magic Router Client with user authentication to access Magic Router Server. Both client and server side must enable authentication.
Sample Setting, ie. User1,09:00:00,18:00:00 or *,00:00:00,23:59:59 for all user.
Access Time in Coding is now support for all router mode, client, server and standalone since 2.2.0. If run in router mode = standalone, user will be ignored.
Access Time is now support weekdays since 2.2.0. You can leave empty in last parameter to bypass checking on weekdays. Where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 7 = Saturday. Find the following example
Access Time in Coding:
Access Rules in Forwarder Client Advanced setting:,137-445,09:00:00,18:00:00,123456,09:00:00,18:00:00,246
Remark: Access Time is processed after firewall detection.