
Controls include Start(1), Connections, Block ip, Drop Connection, Sort Connections, Select Config, Save and System Service.


Postby admin » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:10 am

1. Start(0) button, starting up standard routing. If network or coding page values changed, need to stop and start again.
2. Conns button, show standard routing connections.
3. Block IP button, block standard routing ip. If blocked, this ip will become black ip, stored in memory, txt or table.
4. Drop button, drop selected connection. If drop, the tunnel is disconnected, but will not block the ip.
5. Sort combo, sort standard routing connections.
6. Config combo, if you need to reuse values in future, select config file first before input value.
7. Save button, save current values to selected config file. Config file fomat is config.n.txt, where n start from any number.
- Save setting to config file, no need to setup parameters every time.
- No registry access is made, all settings found in config.txt only. You can start MS.exe to start up all MR.EXE for different port or setting.
8. Service combo, select config file first, save changed settings. Whatever you save or not, you need to select config file first, let service combo point to correct setting. Then install, start, stop or uninstall.

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