Agent Server Account

Agent is a kind of reverse connection. Agent Server, Listener Client and Forwarder Client can all start up without our server.

Agent Server Account

Postby admin » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:55 am

We provide a 1 year free agent server service, but we cannot guarantee it is 100% up. We will not responsible for any lost due to this free service or fail to connect. User Name / Company Name (your registered email address) is the login user name, password is dynamic. If listener and forwarder password match, tunnel will be created.

OUR Agent Server Address
port: 80 or 2222
if your company block access to 2222, you can change to 80. Normally port 80 is for access http server, seldom block in router firewall.
Site Admin
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Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:31 am

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