
Firewall can protect your port by Connection Hit, IP, DNSBL, Detection Multiple and IP Lock.


Postby admin » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:26 am

Click enable basic to start setting firewall. There are 3 type of setting
1. Max. Concurrent Connection per ip, each ip is allowed connection. If over this connection number, firewall will block it.
2. Max. Concurrent Connection, all allowed connections under an instant start up of Magic Router. Since os is not allow over 65536 socket, and each thread is not allow over 32767 socket. Therefore you cannot set too many for each start up. Suggested value is less than 10000. Too many you system will busy, this is not Magic Router limitation, is the server service quality of service control.
3. ip/group/all ip hit in minute/hour/day. Hit means connection request on Magic Router. Some service need connect once, like database. Some need to connect for each access, like http.
If Magic Router is already started, click apply changes button to take effect.

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